Friday, November 28, 2008

With what does one start blogging, and why the "odd" title for this blog spot? Perhaps a little explanation is called for. In 1987, while recovering from a nasty heart attack, I used the situation as an excuse to buy a computer so that I could write my life story. I truly surprised myself in what I could remember of my childhood and later years. An expected page or two quickly developed into a sizeable notebook of stories of life on the homestead, of my elementary school years, high school, and on and on. Copies were made for my siblings then living, and my children. In recent months I have dared to allow a few friends to read the homestead stories. Some have strongly encouraged me to have the material published.To get some professional advice about publication, I sent one story to my lovely granddaughter, Ingrid, who had experience a few years ago working as an editor in a publishing company in Boston. She thought the material might be publishable, but said it would be a very expensive process. Instead, she suggested a blog spot on which I could put some of the life stories, thus making them available to others who might be encouraged to look up my blog spot. After talking with her about it, she went ahead and set up my new "cumminglifestory blog spot," and yesterday,on Thanksgiving Day, she introduced me to blogging. Now to begin with a proper entry blog!

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